1998 - 2003

Cowal Hospice, Hospice Dunoon, Hospice Argyll

1998 to 2003 - the day hospice is opened
It soon became clear that there was a need for a day hospice where patients could come together for treatment and for mutual support but this was not in the budget of the Health Board. The Hospice Trust agreed to pump-prime the staffing costs for six years in order that the facility could become available as soon as possible. The day hospice opened in November 1998 and over six years the Hospice Trust contributed £130,000 to the cost of staffing.

The hospice provided respite care but this could only be done when a bed was not being used for care and treatment purposes. In 2001 it was felt that the hospice should be able to provide a bedroom for planned respite care and so it was decided to upgrade one of the relatives rooms to a care room. It seemed appropriate to convert both rooms at the same time thus avoiding further disruption in the future.

This work was completed in 2003 and the costs of the construction and fitting out were borne by the Hospice Trust. At the same time a new treatment room and three additional quiet rooms for relatives were created. The total cost to the Hospice Trust was £91,000.

What was now a four-bedded facility required an additional whole time auxiliary nurse. Once again, as this was not in the NHS budget, the Hospice Trust agreed to pump prime the cost for six years. Total cost £420,000.

The Hospice Trust also provided a medical library and meeting/training room for all of the hospital staff.