Annual Driver's Get Together
Saturday 10th November 2018
The Annual Get Together of Cowal Hospice Volunteer Drivers took place at The Braes on Saturday, 3rd November.
This being the 25th year that Cowal Hospice was registered as a Charity, it was fitting to celebrate with a cake made by local resident Rachael Brown with one of the longest serving Volunteer Drivers Ron Gay doing the honours of cutting the cake.
To acknowledge her selfless 21 years as a volunteer at Cowal Hospice, hospice secretary Andrea Lauffer was presented with a bouquet of flowers by Trustee Dick Walsh. Thank you Andrea for all your hard work over these years, we are extremely grateful to you. The hospice may not have still been here without you.
Our sincere thanks goes to all our fabulous volunteer drivers who transport patients from Cowal, to and from appointments in Inverclyde and Glasgow. Without these willing volunteers many patients would struggle to attend these vital appointments. A huge thank you also goes to Moyra Shearer who tirelessly arranges the drivers with the patient appointments - no simple task!
Our grateful thanks to all who donated to our raffle including Cal Mac (Car valeting service) for his continued support; Glen Soulden Cal Mac's supplier, Richie of Cowal Car Components and various Hospice Volunteer drivers.
Our thanks to all staff of The Braes for providing an excellent venue and service.
A great day was had by all drivers, partners and friends.