Patient Transport
Patient Car Transport - telephone 07726 390132

What is the service?
The service comprises a group of volunteer drivers who take patients from their home directly to the hospital or other facility in which they are receiving treatment and/or consultations. Where patients are undergoing day treatments, they will also be brought back home after their day treatment has finished. We can also take patients to a hospital where they are being admitted and bring them back home after they have been discharged as an inpatient.
Locations to which we take the patients?
We transport patients from all over Cowal to the major hospitals in Greenock, Paisley, Glasgow and Clydebank.
Who can use the service?
Anyone who is suffering from a life limiting illness who is resident in Dunoon and the Cowal peninsula.

Please note that we can only transport patients who are able to get in and out of cars without requiring significant assistance. Patients may bring along their carer providing there is room in the car. We would also ask any patients who have disabled parking badge to bring them with them - it makes parking and access to hospital facilities much easier.
How can the service be accessed?
If you require to make use of the service, you should contact your doctor who will refer you to the Car Transport Co-ordinator. Referrals are also accepted from the Community and Macmillan nurses and also from hospitals.
Is there any cost to the patient?
There is no charge to the patient. The volunteer drivers receive a mileage allowance, and ferry fares are subsidised by Western Ferries. The costs of the service are met in full from the charitable donations received by the Trust. No funding is received from the NHS.